Category Archives: God

25 Games of Christmas!!

So I wanted to do something special with my youtube channel (family mining and other tings), for this Christmas seas. A different (usually different) game every day in December up until the 25.

It has been a challenge as I usually do not record a video everyday, but its been a good challenge. So here is the current playlist of the videos (so far).

And I hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas season!!




Man Craff #5 (Touring Greece!!)

Episode #5 of Man Craft is upon us and our chest hair is flourishing with this new Greek World!! Its my favorite. In this episode we do a small tour of the world that came with the Greek Update, check out some buildings and the mighty Minotaur Maze.

Don’t forget to like comment and subscribe. Share with everyone, share with your mom, grandma, Uncle Leo!!

Check us out on facebook @

Does God Want You To “GO” To Church?

Hello again, like everything in my life this blog has gone in many different directions, poetry, theology, video games, movie review(s) and the so on.

But getting back into the “writing” swing of things, there has been a thought bouncing around in my head for quite some time. Does God want you to go to church? No the immediate answer as a christian is a resounding YES, of course He does, why wouldn’t he and to that I would agree but I think, personally, that if we base our faith or our commitment to Christ as something that is regulated by our attendance at a religious gathering then I feel we have truly fallen short.

Remember the story in the Bible where Jesus told some of the religious leaders that in a matter of days he would destroy the temple and in three days build it up again. Remember that? That story always struck me as somewhat contradictory. Because here we have the son of the living God telling people that he was basically going to destroy their church, the place where they worshiped God. At least on the surface.

But when we dig deeper, especially in Acts 2 pertaining to the story of Pentecost, we see just what “kind of” church he was destroying and what “kind of” church he was building up.

Religious institutions are chalk full of do’s and don’ts and sadly that is pretty much how the world sees them, and rightly so. Many a times have I, as well as others I know personally,  felt guilty because they didn’t attend on a Sunday morning or literally couldn’t spare a cent for the offering plate. I submit to you that the religious institution, the do’s and don’ts, is what Jesus came to destroy. And we are building it back up, one brick at a time.

I ask now, if God is more pleased when you attend a church gathering or is He more pleased when you understand that YOU ARE THE CHURCH?

Sometimes I ask my kids, “Did Jesus die for a building?” They laugh and say “no”. And the question may even be a rhetorical one but we do not act like it is. We put so much time and focus into the BUILDING of a church that we neglect the community around us that could BECOME the church.

We turn a place of worship and safety into a “party” and stamp a big JESUS sticker on top of it. We spend thousands even millions of dollars for the right equipment, Lights, fog machines, flat screens and what ever else we can use to “get” the people inside. That strikes the wrong chord with me because of how Jesus used the simply command of “go”.

You “go” into all the world! He didn’t say make people feel guilty because they did not come, did he?

Instead of worrying about attending church or missing a Sunday I ask that we truly embrace the truth and the freedom given to us by the cross of Christ. That you CANNOT go to something that you are CALLED TO BE. You, as a christian, cannot simply go to CHURCH, because the CHURCH is not a place, the church is a living, breathing organism made up of many different parts. The church is people! So go BE THE CHURCH. Go love, go help, go encourage, go preach the truth in love.

My intent in writing this is to NOT get you to not go to church, please by all means continue and grow in your attendance, as me and my family do. My intend is this, to get you and my family to realize the most fundamental truth of Christianity, WE ARE THE CHURCH! Than we cannot “go” to something that we are called to be.